Privacy Policy

The Data Protection Law was modified on May 25, 2018.
Your rights under the new laws are outlined in this privacy notice.

We are aware of our obligation to safeguard your personal information and to respect and preserve your right to privacy. This Privacy Notice and our General Terms of Service describe the types of personal information we gather, how we use it, when we might need to share it with others, and how securely we retain it. For the avoidance of doubt, there are instances where we act as both the controller and the processor of your personal data.


Please visit our website frequently for any updates since we are required to warn you that this policy is subject to change.

Who are we?

1A Orthodontics, 1a Freshford Street, Wandsworth, London, England, SW18 3TG. Our Data Protection Registration can be checked here.

How the law guards your rights​

According to data protection laws, we may only process personal information if we have valid reasons to do so. We process your personal information for a variety of purposes, including, but not limited to, your consent, performance of a contract, billing, and to contact you.

How do we gather your personal information?

When you use our website, complete forms on our website, contact us via phone, email, live-chat, or otherwise regarding any of our products and services, or during the purchase of any such product, you provide us with information about yourself. In addition, we collect information from you when you sign an order form or contract, participate in a contest, promotion, or survey, or provide us with information about another matter.

If you provide us with personal information about a third party (such as when introducing a potential customer), you warrant that you have obtained the third party’s express consent for the disclosure and use of their personal information.

Your IP address, device-specific information, server logs, device event data, location data, and unique application identifiers may be automatically collected when you use our services.

What information do we collect about you?

We may collect the following personal information from you: your name, address, email address, phone numbers, payment information, and IP address. We may also store information regarding your visits to our website, such as traffic data, location data, weblogs, and other communication data. In the event that you contact us, we also keep track of your questions and correspondence.

Please be aware that any video, image, testimonial, or other content posted, uploaded, or otherwise made available by you is subject to our Privacy Notice and does not require your permission to be used on our website. We solely process such data on your behalf, and you are responsible for ensuring that your content complies with all applicable legal requirements.

What do we do with your data?

We may gather the personal and contact information mentioned above if you submit an inquiry or sign up as a patient with the Practise. Following that, we might employ this personal data in the following ways:

Period of retention

If you supply personal information by making an inquiry, we will keep it for as long as you remain a customer or for a fair amount of time. Your information will only be kept by us for as long as is required by applicable laws.

After you discontinue your services with us, we may continue to store your data for up to 7 years if you cease to be a customer. Due to our legal and/or accounting duties, it’s possible that we won’t be able to remove your data before this point. We might also preserve it for statistical or research purposes. Your personal information will only be used for the aforementioned purposes, we guarantee you.

Who can access your private information?

Here is a list of all the methods we might use your personal information and the people we might disclose it to. For simplicity, we have categorised them into the particular goods and services we provide:

Dental & Healthcare Services

We use the information we collect about you to administer, bill, provide customer service, and deliver dental and medical care. Your information might be kept outside the EEA.

Third Parties

We will never sell your personal information to a third party for marketing or advertising purposes.

We collaborate closely with a variety of third parties, including business partners, service providers, and fraud protection services, and we may receive information about you from them. These third parties may collect data about you, including your IP address, device-specific information, server logs, device event information, location data, and unique application identifiers. We use their features on our website, but in some cases they may function as data controllers and have their own privacy policies, which we encourage you to review.

We may disclose your personal information to third parties for the purpose of providing services on our behalf (such as hosting our website and the enquiry forms on this website). However, we will only ever disclose information about you that is required to provide the service, and we have contracts in place to ensure that your personal information is secure and will not be used for marketing purposes.

Your data will be considered an asset of the business if we are acquired by a third party, at which point we may share your information. Under these conditions, we may disclose your personal information to a prospective acquirer of our business, provided that both parties enter into appropriate confidentiality agreements. Likewise, we may share your personal information if we are required to do so by law or to protect the rights, property, or safety of our employees, our clients, or others. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organisations for the purposes of fraud prevention, credit risk reduction, and dispute policies. Nonetheless, we will take measures to safeguard your privacy rights.

Your rights

As a result of preventing the use or processing of your personal data, we may be unable to fulfil our contractual obligations to you or may be delayed in doing so. It could also indicate that we cannot provide our services or cancel your service.

You have the right to object to our use of your personal information, or to request that we delete, remove, or cease using it if we no longer need it. This is referred to as the freedom to be forgotten. There are legal and accounting reasons why we must retain your data, but please let us know if you believe we are incorrectly retaining or using your personal information.

Our Privacy Notice will be communicated to you at the time we collect your personal information.

You have the right to request that we refrain from using your personal information for marketing purposes. If you do not wish to receive marketing communications from us regarding our products and services, you will be able to opt out by unchecking the relevant boxes on the sign-up page or by clicking an unsubscribe link in the communication.

Unless you provide prior consent, we will not contact you for marketing purposes. You are able to modify your marketing preferences at any time by informing the Data Controller.

Obtaining and modifying your data

You must always maintain the accuracy of your information and ensure that all of your details, including but not limited to your name, address, title, phone number, email address, and payment information, are current. This must be done by informing the Data Controller.

You have the right to access the personal information we maintain. Please contact us so we can acquire this information on your behalf.

Links to other sites

We may provide links to websites of third parties. Since we do not have control over these websites, we encourage you to review their privacy policies. The privacy policies and practises of these websites are not under our control, and we cannot be held liable for their implementation.

Where we store your private information

To store and protect the personal information we collect, we adhere to accepted industry standards, including the use of encryption when necessary.

All of the information that you provide to us is stored on secure servers located within the EEA. In connection with the provision of the services, your information may be transmitted to and stored in a country outside the EEA on occasion. The laws in these countries may not afford you the same level of protection as in the EEA; however, any third party listed above that is located outside the EEA has agreed to adhere to European standards of data protection with regard to the transfer, processing, and storage of any personal data. By providing us with your information, you consent to its transfer and storage. However, reasonable precautions will be taken to safeguard your information in accordance with this privacy notice.

As the transmission of information over the internet is not entirely secure, we cannot guarantee the security of the data you transmit to our website, and you do so at your own risk. After receiving your data, we will employ stringent procedures and security measures to prevent unauthorised access.

Any personal information collected through our website is encrypted and secured.

You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of any passwords provided to you or created by you for use on our website. We request that you not disclose your password with anyone.


We commit to taking reasonable measures to safeguard your data in accordance with applicable laws.

Data Breaches

In the event of a data violation, we will comply with all applicable data protection laws.

Contact us

If you have any queries or comments about your privacy, please contact us.

The ability to file a complaint

You may file a complaint with the Information Commissioner regarding how we handle your personal data:

Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Tel: 0303 123 1113