a) You accept the terms and conditions shown below by using this website.

b) 1A Orthodontics is the website’s publisher.

c) All policies are applicable to this website as well as any other websites or microsites run by the website owner.


a) Your privacy is essential. By providing personal information such as your name and email address via the website’s forms, you consent to 1A Orthodontics to contact you regarding your inquiry. Some forms on this website may also include an opt-in checkbox requesting permission to send you our newsletter or other correspondence. These communications may occasionally contain links to other websites that we believe may be of interest to you. We will use only the information we acquire about you on this website. Under no circumstances will your personal information be sold or shared with a third party for marketing purposes. When requested, we will promptly remove your email address or mobile phone number from our communication list.

b) We are committed to complying with all applicable requirements of the Data Protection Act of 1998 (and any new laws enacted subsequently) with regard to this website. We will always comply with the law regarding the collection and processing of subject data, and we will comply with any subject access request. We will only use data in ways pertinent to carrying out its legitimate purposes and functions, and in a manner that does not compromise the interests of individuals. We will collect and store sensitive data with caution and do our uttermost to keep all data accurate, up-to-date, and secure.

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d) The website contains genuine client testimonials and comments; however, to protect the identity and privacy of our clients, some images are generic and do not depict the actual individuals.

e) To view our complete Privacy Statement, click here


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b) Permission is granted to electronically reproduce and print hard copy portions of this website solely for the purpose of using these sections as an informational resource for the website owner’s products and services. Any other use of materials on this website, including reproduction for purposes other than those listed above, modification, distribution, or republication, is prohibited without the prior written consent of the website’s proprietor and developer.

c) Unless otherwise specified, the trademarks, logos, and service marks displayed on this website are the property of the website owner or the website owner has been granted permission to use them by the respective trademark owner. No permissions are permitted for their use in any other capacity.

d) Any copyright infringement will result in legal action against you.


a) To the maximum extent permitted by law, all warranties, representations, conditions, or other terms implied by statute or common law with respect to this website or the information, content, materials, or products included on this website are hereby expressly excluded.

b) Under no circumstances shall the website owner be liable for any direct or indirect, special or consequential loss or damage (whether for profit or loss or otherwise), costs, claims, expenses or other claims for compensation whatsoever, whether caused by the acts or omissions or the negligence of the website publisher, its employees or agents, which arise out of or in connection with the use of this website or the information, content materials or products included on this website.

c) The owner of this website assumes no responsibility or liability for the content or accessibility of any website that is linked to or from this website.

d) This website’s content does not comprise legal, medical, or clinical advice; it is provided solely for informational purposes. No warranty, express or implied, is provided for the content of this website. The owner of this website is not liable for any legal, medical, clinical, technical, editorial, typographical, or other errors or omissions that may appear on this website.


The owner of this website reserves the right to prohibit your use of this site if you misappropriate its contents in any way. We are the sole arbiters of what constitutes misuse, and our decision is final.


This website is predominantly intended for use by individuals located in the United Kingdom, including Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands, and the Isle of Man. Consequently, these terms and conditions shall be governed by English law, and the parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any dispute or action.


This website may contain special offers, limited availability offers, and other forms of consumer purchase incentives from time to time. Although it is highly unlikely before any specified offer end date, the website proprietor reserves the right to modify and/or withdraw any offer without notice at any time. Only completed sales relating to any offer will be legitimate in this instance. The availability of any offers for an ongoing inquiry where the website owner has not yet completed a transaction is at the sole discretion of the website owner. Other offer-specific terms and conditions will be provided in writing as part of the proposal for the provision of products and/or services related to the offer.